Working with our Website Optimization Resources, you can easily build up your web site’s reputation from your own Web Hosting Control Panel. Via the Sitemap Generator you will get a precise sitemap for your web site in minutes. You’ll be able to send the sitemap to the search engines so they can index your web site as soon as possible. Furthermore, from the RSS News syndication software, you could deploy frequently refreshed information on your web site, which is actually a guarantee for greater listing positions with search engines. Superior Website Hosting’s GeoIP re–direction tool will help you to re–direct customers coming from a certain place towards a specified language version of your web site for more accurate marketing end results.

A Sitemap Generator

A sitemap generator included right into your Web Hosting Control Panel

If you have just released your web site and want it to get located much faster by the the major search engines, or if you want to present your users a quick way to navigate through all your web pages, then you’ll need to employ a sitemap. Sitemap can be described as a list of all the webpages on your web site that are linked to. Usually, you will have to use third–party tools to to get that done, but with Superior Website Hosting, you can find a Sitemap Generator built right into the Web Hosting Control Panel.

The Sitemap Generator we supply is certainly easy to navigate and because it is perfectly suitable for the cloud Linux cloud hosting platform – your site is going to be crawled quickly.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Physical location–based redirections with just a click

Superior Website Hosting will provide you with an excellent way to redirect your clients on the basis of their location. Through the GeoIP re–direction application, you’re able to route all customers who come from a specific country to a native language variant of your site. For example, in case you have an Italian translation of your website, you can quickly send all the visitors from Italy to that particular page rather than asking to move to Italian as soon as they open the English version. This will help you offer your site visitors with a user–friendly onsite stay from the very beginning.

It is not necessary for any particular capabilities or technical comprehension to employ the GeoIP re–direction application. It is set up with a mouse click.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the most recent news on your website

What’s RSS? RSS can be described as a method for distributing and gathering content. It is becoming widely used by information websites, personal weblogs, bulletins, etcetera. The submitted content is readily picked up by a feed aggregator and afterwards shown to the consumer. Working with RSS, end users may get hold of updates from a wide range of web sites and go over them in a sole place.

Using the RSS News Publication tool, you can quickly add news feeds coming from a lot of the world’s most popular news sites and demonstrate them on your own site.

RSS News