If you would like to protect the info that visitors submit on your site, you'll need an SSL certificate. The abbreviation stands for Secure Sockets Layer and this is a protocol used to encrypt any information exchanged between a website and its users as to ensure that even if an unauthorized individual intercepts any info, they will not be able to read or use it in any way. The present level of encryption makes it practically impossible to decrypt the actual content, and so if you have a login form of some type or you offer goods and services online and clients submit credit card info, using an SSL certificate shall be a guarantee that the info is protected. Typically a dedicated IP address is required to install an SSL, which will increase the cost to maintain your site. The additional expense may matter when you manage a small web store, a non-profit organization or any other entity which doesn't generate a big income, so to save you the funds, our cloud hosting platform supports installing an SSL certificate on a shared server IP address, not a dedicated one.

Shared SSL IP in Cloud Hosting

Since we offer SSL certificates with our cloud hosting packages, you can effortlessly secure your website and use a shared IP address with only several mouse clicks. The option shall be available during the order process, therefore if you have a dedicated IP address, you could use it, but if you don't have one and you don't want to pay for this type of a service, you could use the shared IP, which has been set up specifically for SSLs. The certificate will work in the exact same way as if it had a dedicated IP address and the only difference will be that if someone tries to open the IP address as a URL, they will not see your site. Due to the fact that our system comes with an auto-configuration option, the SSL will be installed automatically once it's issued, so you will not need to do anything on your end after you approve it. This way, you could have a risk-free and trustworthy Internet site without having to spend extra cash for that.

Shared SSL IP in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The shared IP option is available with all Linux semi-dedicated hosting and the setup takes merely 2 clicks inside the hosting CP regardless if you buy an SSL from our business or via a third-party provider. There will not be any difference in terms of how the certificate functions or encodes the information which your website visitors submit, so your website shall be protected without having to spend any additional cash for a dedicated IP. The one thing that'll be different is that https://the-shared-IP won't open your Internet site, unlike https://the-dedicated-IP, but it's unlikely that anybody will ever try to access your site in this way rather than entering your domain. We also offer an auto-configuration option for the SSLs purchased via our company and if you select it and you choose to use a shared IP address as opposed to a dedicated one, our system will set everything up the instant the SSL is approved and issued without any action on your end.